by Stephane Brunet
In this wonderful diorama Stepane has worked with our French Hussars and several other figures of other brands.
by Stephane Brunet
Beautiful "rouund" depicting the french pontonniers mounting a bridge, Stephane has used several sets from the Pontonners serie, but also carriages, and completed with other brands and converted figures.
by Stephane Brunet
A scene of French Chevalegeurs Lancers passing a bridge where some women are washing...a sentimental encounter.
The diorama is made using Civilian Women Washers and French Lancers from Franznap and other brands and conversions.
By Irunberry Salaberry
By Irunberry Salaberry
1814 campaign in France where I wanted to display a unit that is seldom represented in the Napoleonic world, that of the Imperial Guard’s éclaireurs (scouts), here the first regiment attached to the Horse Grenadiers. I wanted interaction between HQ officers meeting civilians on the run who finally give the soldiers a clue as to their enemy’s whereabouts.
By Egbert Balzar
Late summer 1812,
somewhere in Russia on the way to Moscow ...
after the Battle of Borodino ...
A troop of French "Red Uhlans" (2e régiment de chevau-légers lanciers de la Garde Impériale),
stopped at the small, remote farm and took a short break to water the horses.
By Egbert Balzar
I tried an episode of the heavy cavalry battles that took place from around 2 pm
The French 1st Carabiniers and the Russian Iziumsk Hussars
During the two-hour struggle for control of the Russian center, the French 1st Carabinier Regiment faced the Iziumsk Hussars of Major General Korffsl II Cavalry Corps.
Eventually, after heavy casualties reflecting the carnage scattered across the entire Borodino battlefield, the cavalry action subsided, with no clear victory for either side.
By Hans Rosenberg
My diorama ′′ Pori s' march ′′ is finally done. The inspiration comes from Johan Ludvig Runeberg's poem in Ensign Ståls says. The confirmed officer is of course Colonel Georg Carl von Döbeln, masterfully sculpted especially for this diorama by. I myself, with significantly modest results, have tried to sculpt a bird (maybe a hawk? ), who sits in the gärdesgården and considers the soldiers marching past.